Date Posted: 20th February 2025

Marchon Enterprise 4 - 1962

 Forgive me if I repeat myself but there is so much art on offer at the moment, it’s easy to miss a closing date and regret it. When it’s gone, it’s gone!

First up is next Tuesday 25th February. I am giving an illustrated  talk about 3 prominent artists – L S LOWRY RA, SHEILA FELL RA AND PERCY KELLY  who came together in the fifties and  sixties in Maryport and Allonby.  It is in the hall of Keswick School and there is plenty of parking.  It starts at 7.30 (admission £7.50 on the door. )  *Looking at the Keswick Lecture Society programme  they mainly put on travel talks so I’d appreciate your support and  seeing some friendly faces in the audience.

SEKERS ORIGINS at Rosehill Theatre Whitehaven is a fabulous exhibition but it sadly comes to an end soon – Sunday 27th February. The contents and presentation are superb. I’ve been twice. Don’t miss it.

INSPIRED  BY INDUSTRY at the Beacon Whitehaven ends 30th March so there are a few weeks left. There is a portrait  of Frank Shon MD of Marshon  by Claude Harrison who some of you may remember from Castlegate House. Marshon was an important employer in Whitehaven making detergents on a grand scale. I was thrilled last week to get an e mail from his nephew telling me about the Marshon ship which sailed between Whitehaven and Casablanca  with phosphate rock. What an experience for a 9 year old boy.  I remember the huge silos on the harbour side which appear in many of Kelly’s drawings and paintings.

CUMBERLAND  ON CANVAS  Sheila Fell at Tullie House Carlisle. The exhibition ends Sunday  17th March before it moves on to Sunderland.

WORDS BY THE WATER   12 – 16 March.  Booking  is now open at Theatre by the Lake 017687 74411.  I will be on stage  in the Studio on Sunday March 16th REDISCOVERING PERCY KELLY.  The story of the discovery of a 1964 film and letter which adds extra insight into the mind of this genius artist.  Myrna Hamilton  will be with me  reminiscing about her meetings with Kelly and talking about her father Bill Hamilton who was chief designer at Sekers Silk Mills. She popped up on local news  last week talking about him with regard to Sekers.

It all fits together nicely