Date Posted: 6th August 2017
With just 7 weeks to go there is a real buzz building up around the Percy Kelly Retrospective which opens 23rd September. It is all progressing according to plan and looks set to be a real knockout show. In the 4 month duration of the exhibition (it ends 28th January next year – there’s a sobering thought) there will be many special events taking place as we celebrate Kelly’s centenary year and mark the 25 year anniversary of his death.
Curating an exhibition in a public gallery has been a very different experience for me. It is a novelty to have a whole team of professionals to take on tasks I had to do myself at Castlegate House but it is a slower process than my former autonomy of one! So you will have to be patient just a little longer until all the details of events are revealed. So keep your eye on the newsletter.
What I can tell you now is that Robert Adam of Graal Press is printing a very special edition of 75 etchings of Newlands Church from one of Kelly’s plates to mark the retrospective. It was chosen unanimously by Tullie House staff a few weeks ago and since then an interesting story has been unfolding which I will share with you after I have picked the edition up from Robert’s print studio in Edinburgh next week. That’s if I survive the madness of running the gauntlet through The Fringe crowds.
The 112 page illustrated catalogue to accompany the exhibition goes to print tomorrow. It is full of beautiful images as well as writings by people who knew Percy: more about obtaining that soon.
There is also good news for those of you travelling a distance to see the exhibition. Tullie House have negotiated a special tariff for you with The Halston – an Apart Hotel I mentioned in the last newsletter. It is in the centre of Carlisle close to the railway station and just a short walk through the precinct, past the Cathedral to the gallery, Tullie House. The Halston is aptly situated in the old Carlisle Post Office building with which Kelly would have been familiar and has been converted to the highest standard. Every room has a well equipped kitchen and sitting area. I have stayed there and was impressed by the quality and service. In the recent tourism awards both Tullie House and The Halston won top places and I’m not surprised – both are centres of excellence. The food in its bar restaurant, Bartons Yard, is also excellent. I will give you more details and special tariff if you send me an e mail.
So that’s enough excitement for the moment. Just keep hanging on. There is so much more to unfold over the next few weeks.