Date Posted: 27th August 2018

Back Lane, Allonby 1958 100 x 75cm
Field pattern West Cumbria 100 x 75cm

It’s Harvest time at Pink Egg Headquarters. Everything is coming to fruition – trees heavy with damsons and groaning with apples and we are still in August.  It’s the squirrels or me in the fight for the cob nuts. At the moment it’s a draw. I don’t mind sharing with them but they don’t buy that concept - more training needed. 

The Artfest in Maryport (when Percy met Norman) at the end of September is also coming to fruition.The Maryporters are working like crazy to make it a success. The Maryport Art trail on Friday 28th has been fully booked  for some time so they have persuaded me to fit another in on Saturday 29th @ 12.30. (ring/e mail Jan 07814677452 jmctaggart58@gmail.com to secure a place.)  I am pleased to tell you that after I discovered problems with part of the trail the council have been out in force with strimmers and loppers making the route safe from overhanging branches and uneven paths. The problem of the super-efficient flood gates is still under discussion but I am hopeful that a solution will be found very soon. The gates are vital in stormy weather and high tides but they are now permanently closed and make the public footpath impassable. It is popular with dog walkers and has spectacular views and it’s not possible to climb over them (several of us have tried!). The alternative route means back-tracking up the steep hill and a long diversion back to the Maritime Museum by the harbour where the admission fee is being waived for those on the accompanied trail.

  • I have 2 large charcoal drawings by Percy for sale. Go to www.percykelly.co.uk/gallery and look in the FOR SALE box. One is signed 1958 when Percy and Audrey moved to Allonby on the West Cumberland coast and the other which is signed but not dated is around the same time. They are part of the series of charcoal drawings he did as he recovered from a breakdown and decided to work on a larger, bolder scale. It was a life changing move.